Hidalgo state El Carrizal Postal code details

Postal code information
Location/city nameEl Carrizal
Postal code43033
CountySan Felipe Orizatlán
summer timeYes(Y)
Related areas
  • Hidalgo

  • SanFelipeOrizatlán

  • ElCarrizal

  • AddressHidalgo,Mexico,Mexico,San Felipe Orizatlán,,El Carrizal the Postal code is 43033

    El Carrizal tofind information about the El Carrizal zip code/Postal code:43033

    We provide Mexico Hidalgo Hidalgo El Carrizal zip codes for regions and cities in the state or province. El Carrizal is an urban area of San Felipe Orizatlán county, the county has Mexico El Carrizal places, the local classification is a municipality, you can find the zip code of each area on our website, this page provides information about Hidalgo subordinate San Felipe Orizatlán Information about the postal code and administrative division of the region. We also provide a corresponding map where you can also see information about the area.

    The postal code of El Carrizal is: 43033 city description

    The following list includes: Mexico The post office accepts the city of the postal code 43033, and the city where the postal code of the city is preferred,43033 The city is usually the name of the main post office.When mailing packages or letters, be sure to indicate the preferred region or acceptable city, using any city on the list of unacceptable cities may cause delays.

    Match zip codes to states, county cities, and township communities

    Remember that Hidalgo San Felipe Orizatlán El Carrizal

    postal codes are 43033 To make mail delivery easier, they do not correspond to existing boundaries, such as El Carrizal cities, counties, or even states, if the postman drives over Hidalgo Boundaries are more effective for delivering mail, then the postal code Hidalgo boundary will cross the Hidalgo line, postal codes usually do not cross state lines, but some do cross state boundaries (there are also postal codes that cross borders, it is difficult to come across such examples). The full list of interstate zip codes is available as ours Mexico Part of a list of postal codes,

    which becomes more complicated when trying to assign a postal code 43033 to a specific county (up to 15% -40% cross-county lines), national constituency, metropolitan district, time zone, area code, etc. The edges of the boundaries often overlap.

    For El Carrizal cities, the allocation is a bit more complicated, not always using the city where the postal code is located, El Carrizal cities are more commonly assigned to the postal code 43033, El Carrizal cities are usually the names of

    the main post offices, and postal codes 43033 may be more accurately described as the names of the smaller cities in which they are located.

    El Carrizal Postal code is 43033 statistics and demographic data

    El Carrizal The postal code 43033 is locatedMexico Hidalgo El Carrizal San Felipe Orizatlán regionNorth, compared to Mexico It covers slightly less land area than the average land area compared to other postal codes, it also has a very large population density

    people living in the postal code 43033 are predominantly yellow, white, black, or African Mexico Person. there are very many people in their 20s to 40s, and there are many middle-aged people, there are also a very small number of families and a very large number of single-parent families. The percentage of children under the age of 18 living in the 43033 zip code is slightly below average compared to the rest of the country.

    El Carrizal Overview of real estate, office buildings and residential housing in urban areas

    Hidalgo El Carrizal The postal code 43033 has a small percentage of vacancies, census also indicates that there are one or more outdoor sports and fitness facilities nearby,

    Hidalgo El Carrizal city most families own or own a home, El Carrizal postal code is 43033 The houses in the area were mainly built in the last century and the 21st century or earlier, previous real estate statistics, the median value of the house is Mexico The overall value for money is still very good compared to the rest of the country, it is also slightly below average compared to nearby zip codes. Compared to the surrounding area, the 43033 zip code area may be an area looking for cheap housing, 43033 zip code area rents are most common 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom living room , 1 bedroom rent is usually not too high, including utility bills. rental property prices include high-rise commercial houses, apartments, townhouses and houses as the main residence in the zip code 43033

    El Carrizal Employment, income, income, and employment

    El Carrizal has a median household income of 80% compared to the rest of the country, it also compares the zip codes of nearby cities in El Carrizal, Although money is not everything, residents in the postal code 43033 area of El Carrizal have lower incomes than San Felipe Orizatlán other parts of town.

    El Carrizal, as in much of the country, vehicles are the most common means of transportation to places of employment. El Carrizal postal code 43033 uses public transport to work more often than almost anywhere in the country.In most parts of the country where Mexico , most commuters arrive in half an hour, <font style="vertical-align: inherit;">However, El Carrizal This is not the case. The number of people who complete the work in half an hour is much lower than average, is more common than in most areas where Mexico where employees may take more than 20-45 minutes to reach their place of work, which may indicate poor traffic or that people usually live far from their place of work,

    schools and education

    The proportion of the population with low education (below high school) in the population of El Carrizal is much higher than normal. Despite the low high school graduation rate, the region has the highest college enrollment rate of any zip code 43033.

    El Carrizal's school zip code is 43033

    El Carrizal postal code 43033 is located in the following school districts: San Felipe Orizatlán public schools, ideal Hidalgo schools, El Carrizal public schools, Hidalgo public schools, district public schools, San Felipe Orizatlán youth bilingual schools, capital public charter schools, Paul Jhs Public Charter Schools, Bilingual Public Charter Schools, Community Public Schools, Center City Public Charter Schools, Public Schools, and Private Schools, mailing address with El Carrizal postal code 43033 has many elementary and high schools.

    State and city Postal code